RCC Alliance Core Values

    • 1. 尋求上帝同在的敬拜   Worship as a way to seek the Presence of God
    • 2. 滿有聖靈能力的服事  Serve in the Power of the Holy Spirit
    • 3. 效法基督的聖潔公義  Imitate the Holiness of Christ
    • 4. 聖經教導為裝備基礎  Bible teaching as the foundation of equipping
    • 5. 接觸社區的外展佈道  Outreaching Evangelism that touch the community
    • 6. 宣教中國.中國宣教   Mission for China . China for Mission
    • 7. 充滿主愛的堅固家庭  Strong Families filled with God’s Love
    • 8. 小組為基本牧養單位  Cell group as basic unit for shepherding